The Legacy of Healing Society

The Legacy of Healing Society recognizes individuals who further the lives of others by making a gift to The Women’s Home through their will or living trust. Beyond providing a testimony of stewardship, bequest gifts offer tax benefits to the donor and supplement major annual giving on a deeper level. Donors who participate in our program are of all ages and incomes. Becoming a member of The Legacy of Healing Society ensures the vitality of The Women’s Home beyond your years – the most enduring commitment you can make to building whole lives for our residents today and tomorrow.

An Invitation to Join The Legacy of Healing Society

Members of The Legacy of Healing Society have expressed their commitment to The Women’s Home through a very special and important form of financial support.

These donors have named The Home as the beneficiary of a planned gift. Such gifts might include a bequest, appreciated securities, gifts of real estate, gifts of life insurance or retirement assets. Click here for more information.

Your membership involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations, but it does allow us to thank you and recognize you for the plans you have made, and it may inspire generosity in others.

The most important benefit you will receive from joining The Legacy of Healing Society is the satisfaction derived from making a lasting contribution to our long-term success.

If you are interested in learning more about alternative ways to give to The Home, through donations of stocks or other assets, IRA plans, or wills, please contact Julie Comiskey at for more detailed information.

Join the Legacy of Healing Society!

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